Signs of Life

Thursday, October 06, 2005

another day....

After telling Robin about an order of events. She repeated it all back to me. I said:
“That’s exactly what happened”. Her response…..”Skaklee what happen”.

Nicholas is having a lot of good days at school. Rob surprised him for lunch on Tuesday and he had been great 2 days in a row. The biggest problems are touching other children (rouch play, hanging on them, holding them…) and talking when he’s not supposed to (can’t imagine where he gets that from). So when Rob was visiting he spoke to the teacher assistant. He explained how they had gone fishing and Nicholas added “My daddy says I talk too much when we go fishing”. Ms Isaacs sarcastically replied with “Really? I can not imagine that!”. Seems they know him pretty well. Ms Blakely reports that he is very bright and really retains the information they learn. That’s good to hear because every day after school he can’t remember anything!! Guess I understand though. It’s 12:45 am and I’m not sure what I did today…but my shoulders are very tense!!!

Senator Burr will be at Appalachian on Tuesday. We’ll be showcasing the renewable energy projects and publications. I have been up all night and busy all day making posters and logos.

Robin is having a rough night. Yep…is. She just woke up again screaming. She has been up several times and earlier she was real uncomfortable, saying her tummy hurts. After a bowl of Cheerio’s and resins…she was off to bed once more. Right now she is in my be (which is where I want to be).

So I’m off. Another busy day tomorrow with the Energy Center, school ,family and whatever else crosses my path.


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