Signs of Life

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

is it that easy?

Robin has been sick since New Years. This evening she has been coughing so badly she’s gagging. I got her up and she sat on the couch with me. She was having raisins and OJ as she watched football. (Florida State is losing)

When she was off to bed (again) we had a little talk about her passy. Daddy told her that babies use one and that she is a big girl. I told her that she could have it tonight but that soon we’d have to pack it up and put it away. Since she only has it in her bed at home (and none at childcare), we have not pressured the issue with her. After hugging daddy goodnight again, she said “You want this?” and gave me her passy. I said “What should I do with it?” and she told me “put it away.” With that she was off to bed. I’m sure she’s asleep by now and there have been no little cries for “my passy!” Surely it can’t be that easy!?!?!?!?!

Nicholas got a new fish today. It's a Male Beta. It's really colorful (blue, red, green...) and seems happy in his new home.

We got a new camera and we love it (just have to figure out the red eye)!! Look forward to LOTS more pictures (and videos!). They are growing SO fast, I hate to miss a single step! The images are so big on this camera that I can't seem to get them to post. I will work on it....promise!

Happy New Year to all!!!


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