Nope! Not that easy! The following night she cried and cried for her passy. When we talked to her about her offer to put it away she said, "but I want it tonight". Here's a picture of Robin that Rob took with the new camera.
And one I took of Nicholas (not a great picture...but we're having fun learning).
Nicholas got a new fish form Nana and Poppa. He named it Sloan (after the boys). Unfortunately, Sloan was sick when we bought him and did not make it, despite my efforts. So, there si a new Sloan in the house. He's real pretty. I'll get a picture soon.
One more day and he'll have a full week of green cards. That is, of course, if there is school tomorrow?!?!? See for yourself at Ray's Weather.
This is a fun link.... don't click. It is a research project about mouse clicking. I think it's pretty cool. Check it out and try your hardest not to click. If you do well not clicking, click for the heck of it and watch what happens.
I’ve been asked to be on a Sustainable Housing Design Competition team. There are 3 people on the team…2 designers/draftsmen/architects and me! My main purpose is to generate printed marketing materials and the project display. I am excited about the opportunity. Will post later about whether I accept the invitation or not (there are some requirements that I’m not sure I can meet).
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